Become a Friend of MEEC

Friends of MEEC lend their financial support to our mission through annual contributions of $35 or more for an individual or $50 or more for a family (members of the same household). As a Friend of MEEC, you promote equitable resource use, restoring native ecosystems and fostering a sustainable human presence on Earth.

Friends also enjoy:

  • Free admission and other benefits at more than 130 nature centers nationwide. (See complete list here.)
  • Check-out privileges for books and videos from our resource center. (Note: As of April 2024 the MEEC Resource Center is closed as we prepare to move to our new offices. We anticipate reopening in October. We apologize for the inconvenience.)
  • Reduced program fees.
  • Invitation to special events and community gatherings.

Donate online hereor download the membership brochure to join by mail.