The Archdiocese of Cincinnati and UD are hosting this free opportunity for people of all ages from across southwest Ohio to pray; to grow in fellowship; to learn about the Laudato Si' Action Platform; and to act together in our parishes, schools, homes, and congregations to care for God's creation. Presentations will address integral ecology from the integrated perspectives of theology, ethics, economics, science and policy. Panel speakers will focus on our response to the painful realities of global degradation, policy and advocacy solutions. Through breakout workshops participants can network with sectors (including individuals, families, parishes, schools, Universities and religious congregations) who are engaging the Laudato Si' Action Platform. Interactive sessions with regional environmental sustainability organizations and displays will give us practical actions we each can take. People from all faith traditions and walks of life are welcome. For more information or to register, click here.
Saturday, March 4, 2023 - 9:00am to 4:30pm