Saturday, February 25, 2023 - 12:30pm to 4:30pm

"Believe me as one who has experience, you will find much more among the woods than ever you will among books.
Woods and stones will teach you what you can never hear from any master."
- Saint Bernard of Clairvaux, 

In this quiet desert season we gather to contemplate the gifts of winter, encounter creation in its anticipatory starkness, and find wisdom and companionship for the journey. We are very exited to welcome members from local worship communities to share about the values and virtues in their traditions that help them cultivate an ecological spirituality, as well as actions and practices that will support participants on their own spiritual journeys. We will also share prayer and reflection, as well as enjoy a mid-winter nature hike through the Marianist Nature Preserve. Indoor options will be available in case of inclement weather and for those with mobility issues.

We'll be joined by members of St. Paul the Apostle Orthodox Church, the Dayton Friends Meetinghouse, and Greater Dayton Wild Church, and Temple Israel.

We'll gather in the Madeleine room in the Chaminade Center at Mount Saint John. For a map and directions to the property, please visit

Registration fee $15 for Friends of MEEC members, $25 for non-members. If you would like to become a Friend of MEEC, click here. If you recently became a member and don't see the reduced rate when you register, use the code FOMWW23 at checkout. Members of the University of Dayton may attend compliments of the Hanley Sustainability Institute. Use checkout code HANLEY.
