On May 1, the Feast of Saint Joseph the Worker, the Church celebrates religious brothers. The MEEC community gives thanks for all the Marianist brothers who continually respond to Mary's entreaty to "do whatever he tells you" (John 2:5). We are particularly grateful for the brothers who worked with Bro. Don Geiger as he established MEEC, including Bro. Steve O'Neill and Bro. Charlie Gausling, as well as those who support and inform our ministry today.
Bro. Don led an extraordinary life. After establishing himself as an internationally-recognized plant physiologist he leveraged his extensive understanding of plant systems, his deep concern for the global poor, and a passion for living more sustainably on the earth to co-found Projet Tapis Vert (Project Green Carpet) that revolutionized agriculture in Niger and helped stop the advance of the Sahara Dessert.
He taught generations of biology students at the University of Dayton, and eventually turned his attention to land restoration in his own backyard. On evenings and weekends at Mount St. John he developed and tested methods of prairie establishment, invasive species control, and wetland restoration, sharing his findings with a team of interested volunteers. Those volunteers were the first Friends of MEEC, a community whose time, talent and treasure ensure his legacy lives on as we continue to restore the land at Mount St. John, seek out creative new solutions to evolving land problems, and train others in his philosophy and methods. Bro. Don passed away in December of 2020 at the age of 87.
We invite you to remember Bro. Don and celebrate his legacy with a gift to the Bro. Don Geiger Memorial Intern Fund, established to support the education and formation of students of all ages as they gain practical, hands-on experience under the thoughtful guidance of MEEC staff.
We are grateful for your support.